Saturday, March 29

List of Prime Ministers of the UK

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This is a plain text list of all of the Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom, listed chronologically.

At the end of the list, you will find files in various formats that you can download for your own use, including plain text files (TXT files) and Excel spreadsheet files (XLS files).

Robert Walpole
Spencer Compton
Henry Pelham
Thomas Pelham-Holles
William Cavendish
Thomas Pelham-Holles
John Stuart
George Grenville
Charles Watson Wentworth
William Pitt, the Elder
Augustus Henry Fitzroy
Frederick North
Charles Watson Wentworth
William Petty-Fitzmaurice
William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck
William Pitt, the Younger
Henry Addington
William Pitt, the Younger
William Wyndham Grenville
William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck
Spencer Perceval
Robert Banks Jenkinson
George Canning
Frederick John Robinson
Arthur Wellesley
Charles Grey
William Lamb
Arthur Wellesley
Robert Peel
William Lamb
Robert Peel
John Russell
Edward Geoffrey Stanley
George Hamilton-Gordon
Henry John Temple
Edward Geoffrey Stanley
Henry John Temple
John Russell
Edward Geoffrey Stanley
Benjamin Disraeli
William Ewart Gladstone
Benjamin Disraeli
William Ewart Gladstone
Robert Cecil
William Ewart Gladstone
Robert Cecil
William Ewart Gladstone
Archibald Philip Primrose
Robert Cecil
Arthur James Balfour
Henry Campbell-Bannerman
H.H. Asquith
David Lloyd George
Bonar Law
Stanley Baldwin
Ramsay Macdonald
Stanley Baldwin
Ramsay Macdonald
Stanley Baldwin
Neville Chamberlain
Winston Churchill
Clement Attlee
Winston Churchill
Anthony Eden
Harold Macmillan
Alec Douglas-Home
Harold Wilson
Edward Heath
Harold Wilson
James Callaghan
Margaret Thatcher
John Major
Tony Blair
Gordon Brown
David Cameron
Theresa May

Plain TXT Text File of the Prime Ministers of the UK

To download this plain text file list of the Prime Ministers of the UK, simple right click on the link below and “Save As” to save the file to your computer.


Microsoft Excel XLS File of the Prime Ministers of the UK

To download this Excel XLS file list of the Prime Ministers of the UK, simple right click on the link below and “Save As” to save the file to your computer.



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